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Joseph K beholds the glory of the latest adventures of the Toxic Avenger! TOXIC AVENGER 4: CITIZEN TOXIE!!!

Hey folks, Harry here with a report from what seems to be the first test screening of TOXIC AVENGER 4: CITIZEN TOXIE!!! Now to some of you folks out there... this means nothing... But to TROMAPHILES like me... well, I'm excited. In addition to being a mere Toxic Avenger film... it also has SGT. KUBUKIMAN... what the fuck do ya want man? And to boot, you just know that this movie is going to be goofy as all hell and a ton of fun. As all of the Toxic Avenger movies have been. Read on and learn about this... the latest adventure...

hey harry,

i've always wanted to write to you guys but never had anything of any particular interest to say but now i think i might have something you might like. well here it goes...

i've just come from a screening at new york film academy for a rough cut of "toxic avenger 4;citizen toxie." Lloyd Kaufman himself was therewith a couple of Troma underlings passing out evaluation sheets and troma comic books. Now let me get the ball rolling by saying if this film is cut right it will be the funniest film troma has ever put even though this is a rough cut and some scenes are obviously going to have to be trimmed. and even with the lack of good foley work and an original score.despite all this every scene works. The jokes and sight gags are some of the most daring and risky things i've ever seen. i likened it more to a trey parker matt stone venture than troma. and some of the gags are taken right out of bigger longer and uncut. the story centers on toxie while trying to save a school for "special children"(i.e. retards) inadvertantly sets off an interdimensional crossrip which transports him to amortville(tromavilles alternate reality). and by doing this he also unleashes upon tromaville his evil doppelganger"noxie" who brings about carnage to the town.

the mayor(played by porn king ron jeremy) dispatches a team of superheroes to stop the evil noxie.first up is THE VIBRATOR:who engages in autoerotica to fight evil,MAD COWBOY:a guy who looks like a cow,DOLPHIN BOY:a guy who looks like a dolphin (duhhh),MASTER BATER(do i even have to tell you)and of courseSGT.KABUKIMAN(who for reasons never explained has fallen into the depths of alcoholism). while this is going on toxie whos stuck in amortville searches for his blind wife sara who in the alternate reality is a deaf crackwhore named claire. thats basically the setup and believe me i havent give that much away. there are a multitude of perifferal stories and plot twists from there on in.

now the film of course is not for everyone. Some of the humor is so twisted some of the people walked out cursing from the screening(i.e.pussies). but for troma fans its a definite treat .they really pulled out all the stops on this one.the one scene that had everybody including the hardcore fans shocked was the use of the real life incident of a black man in texas being dragged to his death by a pickup.(everybody moaned at that one). i told lloyd after the screening about the scene about how not everybody is gonna see the humor in that.he replied by saying "if spielberg can exploit the holocaust and slavery. both real occurances why can't i do this."which made total sense to me.

now the film of course is not for everyone. the.other great scenes include the excruciatingly funny primetime news sendup, a great parody on a scene in citizen kane and the fact that god (yes the god)is portrayed by hank the angry dwarf of howard stern fame.who requests that toxie tell the pope stop talking about him"that asshole talks like he knows me". the whole way through the movie the audience(the ones who didnt bitch out)were howling with laughter.

but really the real treat of the evening was meeting lloyd kaufman. who thanked everyone profusely for coming.even when his wife was asking if they could leave he still stuck around to talk to the fans,answer any question and thank everyone with complete sincerity. probably the nicest man you will ever meet in this business and an authentic fighter for first amendment rights. even better though he signed my terror firmer comic book... >{? JOSEPH K.OUT

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