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Dane Cook Hits New Heights As The Lead Voice in DISNEY'S PLANES!!

The Kidd here...

Usually when you have an animated film coming out in August, you've already got your voice cast lined up as you move closer and closer to line up your final cut. It's not standard practice to just be naming your lead a few months before release. However, that's what Disney has done today, tapping Dane Cook to be the voice of their lead character Dusty for PLANES. The fact that they just made such an important casting decision this close to the end should speak volumes about where PLANES falls on their priority, even with a fast approaching August 9 release date. Dane Cook being the choice should say even more.

I've never quite gotten Dane Cook's act... at all. I've tried to watch him at the recommendation of others who find him to be "Soooo funny," and, in suffering through his stand-up, I found a guy who just rattled off unfunny stories in front of hordes of fans who seemed more attracted to his looks and, at the time, building MySpace popularity, than his material, or lack thereof. Having to listen to him now in a Disney movie just sounds like additional torture to what I've already had to endure in Dane Cook's name... especially when it's in the form of a spin-off of sorts from Pixar's two worst films, the CARS flicks. 

How can this possibly end any other way than badly?

-Billy Donnelly

"The Infamous Billy The Kidd"

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