Ain't It Cool News (
Movie News

AICN Exclusive: Behind-The-Scenes with Lyle Workman Composing STAND UP GUYS!

Greetings! ScoreKeeper here to present to you filmmusic fanatics another composer interview video produced exclusively for Ain't It Cool News by Lakeshore Records. This is probably the third or fourth video they've produced and I told them that anytime they feel like producing more, we'll be happy to run them. I love these behind-the-scenes glimpses into the scoring process. They're nice little nuggets of interest that won't take up too much time. Short and sweet and to the point.

This time we've got Lyle Workman talking about his laid-back jazzy score for STAND UP GUYS (2012) starring a host of marque names including Al Pacino, Christopher Walken, Alan Arkin, and Julianna Marguiles.


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