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The Seeds Are Planted For Guillermo Del Toro To Bring THE SECRET GARDEN To Universal!!

The Kidd here...

It doesn't look like you'll be seeing Guillermo del Toro getting behind the camera for this adaptation of Frances Hodgson Burnett's novel The Secret Garden, although there certainly was some remote hope from the studios vying for the project that he could make room for it in his busy schedule. However, GDT will be co-producing with Mark Johnson with a script to be penned BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD co-writer Lucy Alibar, as Universal picked up the rights to this new version, according to Deadline

This time, the story of an orphan girl who discovers a magical garden while living with her reclusive uncle originally set in England will be moved to the American South at the turn of the 20th Century. The 1911 novel, which has been adapted quite a few times over, is widely regarded as a classic in children's literature, and, with this creative team in place, it'll be quite interesting to see who is chosen to direct. 

-Billy Donnelly

"The Infamous Billy The Kidd"

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