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Here's a big fat juicy rumor concerning the future of the Marvel Film Universe... Spoilers, if true...

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. So, El Mayimbe at Latino-Review has been teasing that he has some big Marvel scoopage for weeks now and just dropped it. It's a rumor and a big rumor at that, so as usual with these kinds of stories, take it with a grain of salt. Keep in mind, it was Latino-Review that broke that Thanos was the post-credits tease at the end of Avengers way early. They have good sources.

If true, it concerns our favorite big green angry guy and the way he fits into Marvel's Phase 3. Mayimbe hears that he will be getting his own stand alone film, with Mark Ruffalo still in the character, post Avengers 2... and that storyline will be Planet Hulk.

If you know the comics you know how that storyline starts. If you don't and want to know, I'll let Mayimbe tell you himself.

That's pretty damn exciting to me and makes sense, so I'd imagine we'll see this play out like Mayimbe is suggesting. What's really interesting is what that means for future Avengers movies.


-Eric Vespe
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