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Bruce Willis joins the crew of OCEAN'S ELEVEN!!!

Hey there ay, Harry here. I've just gotten back from watching them hosers in STRANGE BREW with a packed house at the Alamo Drafthouse ay. Twas some great stuff ay. Sorry... I'm sorry... I'm trying to shake it ay! Fuck! Oh sorry. I've been trying to get this baby confirmed for the past week. On Tuesday I got the first clue that BRUCE WILLIS was possibly heading for OCEAN'S ELEVEN, but he wasn't on the dotted line yet. But luckily Sir Etch-A-Sketch at Disney's Promotional Lab... well, I'll just turn it over to this hoser. Spray away Etch...

Hello Fearless One,

I was rather shocked to hear from you about OCEAN'S ELEVEN, since that's a Warner Brothers project, but when you asked if I heard anything from THE KID or O BROTHER WHERE ART THOU. Harry, it just made me smile. Drawing lines from one project through in-breeding to another.

Yesterday, I poked around here at the office, talking with some of the folks handling THE KID promotion, and believe it or not. You got lucky. Turns out one of these folks said that the Bruce Willis/OCEAN'S 11 deal just went through, though it was unspecified as to which character he was going to be playing.

Continuing my line,

Sir Etch-A-Sketch

Hey folks, Harry here again ay! Anyway ay, I just thought I'd tell you who is now confirmed (by me with multiple agents) as being on board OCEAN'S ELEVEN. As of this moment... the signed talent is: George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Bruce Willis, Julia Roberts, Michael Douglas and Don Rickles. There are still many other people that have been up for roles... but hasn't nailed them down yet. Still, that cast... as is.... is simply amazing. And with Soderbergh at the helm, and the great script that I've seen... This movie is going to be a shitload of fun.

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