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Ambush Bug’s got the Chicago winners of the advance screening of THE COLLECTION, sequel to THE COLLECTOR! But if you missed the post last week, there are still a couple of passes left!!!

Logo by Kristian Horn
What the &#$% is ZOMBIES & SHARKS?

Greetings, all. Ambush Bug here with a special AICN HORROR: ZOMBIES & SHARKS screening in Chicago!

Below are the winners of THE COLLECTION advance screening. The screening takes place in a theater in downtown Chicago (I’m only emailing the location to the winners) tomorrow at 7:00PM. Your seats will be held until 6:45, so please show up early to get in.

Those who might have missed this contest last week due to Turkey Day, let me know by clicking here and sending me an email if you are still interested in going because there are a couple of passes left.

Here are the lucky winners!

Christopher Adams (+1)
Amelia Boone (+1)
Kelly Burns (+1)
Bob Byrne (+1)
Louie Carr (+1)
Tyler Carroll (+1)
Caleb Elwardt (+1)
Jon Espino (+1)
Karla Evora (+1)
Jaiden Fallo (+1)
Francisco Flores (+1)
Phillip Gee (+1)
Michael Gellar
Michael Kerry Grant (+1)
Nick Harris (+1)
Jason Ketchens
J Margiolas (+1)
Steven Martinez (+1)
Timothy Mather (+1)
Tracy Matthews
Jason Miller (+1)
April Ong (+1)
Nicki Retreage
Adam Roker (+1)
Ken Szymczyk (+1)
Alaina Tate (+1)
Jane Valencia (+1)
Tony Valentine (+1)

See you tomorrow for the film, folks!

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