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Movie News

ADDED DETAILS!!! Have you made a low budget indie that no one anywhere will watch and you are frustrated'

Hey folks, Harry here. For about a bazillion years now, that is the actual period of time in Harry Years, I've been getting requests from Indie film makers all over the place to create a column or a space that would be used to specifically address true indie films. I'm not talking about the LION'S GATE, ARTISAN, MIRAMAX, FINE LINE, SONY CLASSICS types.... I'm talking about people like DAVE that have made or are making a no-budget indie. They strapped on their 8mm, Super 8mm, 16mm, super 16mm, 35mm, Hi-8, DV or pixelvision toys r us cam.... and set out to make a film between 15 seconds to 17 hours long. Their comedy, documentary, cheesy horror, not-so-cheesy horror, foreign, whatever. Once in a blue moon I actually have the time to see some of these, and I have found a few good ones... But to be honest, I don't have the sort of time to sort through the mountain of tapes. But the MOUTH does.

Who is the MOUTH?

He started out as a little rat bastard that liked to torture the hispanic housekeeper at his friend MIKIE's house. But... Since then he grew up. He still defaces art and steals silver money from wishing wells, but I recently caught him committing a high geek offense.... TALKING IN A MOVIE!

He was placed before a tribunal of his peers and sentenced to 187 bazillion years of Geek Communtiy Service. I was put in charge of putting this MOUTH back on the path to righteousness, so... I assigned him the task of scouring the world in search of these true indies, he will watch them, at the very least give you a e-mail feedback and if he truly likes your film, he'll place it in his upcoming column... THE MOUTH SPEAKS... We'll never quite know what will come out of the Mouth, but you can place your film firmly in those jowls of his and perhaps your film will get covered.

One last thing before I turn this over to MOUTH, be sure that the tape is recorded in NTSC format, THE MOUTH does not have PAL equipment.... not yet anyways. Also, if the Mouth speaks highly of your film, the rest of the staff here at AICN will take a peek, and we might very well end up championing your film. ALSO, it looks like we'll be opening up our very own INTERNET TV CHANNEL soon and we will be looking to featuring clips from your world.

Film Geeks Everywhere have read Aint it Cool news in wonder for years.

You have seen films and TV shows mentioned and reviewed by our reviewers, and many thought to themselves..."Maybe one day I can make a movie that will get reviewed by those guys," and went to work crafting creative independent films for themselves, their friends, or local film groups. They worked so hard making the film, afterwards, the realities of getting people to see it set in. It's difficult for small and independent film makers to get some sort of recognition for their hard work and backbreaking labor.

Film makers, your time has come.

Greetings AICN readers worldwide, allow me to introduce myself.

I am Mouth.

I am to speak on YOUR behalf. YOU, the people, those hard at work making independent films and trying to give something to the film community at large.

Send your films to me, and I will review them on Aint it Cool News. Remeber that Aint it Cool News is a well-respected, international site that many industry readers read on a regular basis. We can't promise anything but a fair review. Impress me, and perhaps others will be impressed as well!!

Don't make me force Harry to do the truffle shuffle. Send your movies, preferably in VHS or Mini-DV format to:

1211 Ridgemont
Austin, TX 78723

If you don't, I'll lock Corey Haim in a basement for 2 weeks without food and water! Really, I mean it!

Hey folks, Harry here to answer a few questions from down below. The Mouth will be looking at shorts and features, narratives and experimentals, fiction and nonfiction, Documentaries both long and short form. The tapes will not be returned, and before a clip is aired on the site, we will contact you. As for the AICN AMATEUR SCREENPLAY column... Here at AICN (say it like aching), we are in a growing stage. For the first time in the life of the site, we're getting ready to stretch our arms. To get bigger than my pants... and as everyone is aware... that's fucking enormous. hehehe... THE MOUTH SPEAKS column will be the first step into the realm of soliciting complete unknown product for review. I fully intend to explore the script side of things... just... I know good and well that opening up the... "SEND YOUR SCRIPTS FOR REVIEW" call will cause an intense depletion in forests. Until Moriarty finishes his 'Insta-Tree (TM)' formula... well, we will hold off.

As for the poster below that decided to be negative about young developing filmmakers, I'm reminded of a favorite movie quote. "You know what happens if you don't try? Nothing."

I'm very happy to hear that you folks support this endeavor. And I mean this when I say... THE MOUTH will be digesting everything. Whether you are a 6 year old child or 106 year old auteur... If you have been toiling away pushing pixels at an effects company and just made a short to break out and stretch your arms. NC-17 to G. THE MOUTH will be talking about it all...

For the person below that didn't know what NTSC meant, NTSC is the standard regular type of VHS video here in the United States and North America. PAL is the European standard of video. Some feel that PAL is actually a superior format, and if I had something that would play PAL... I could tell you, but I can't. But THE MOUTH has just the formats he mentions.

Also, to reach THE MOUTH, write to him at

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