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Here's Exclusive New Promo Art For HOLY MOTORS!

Nordling here.

One of the best moments in Leos Carax's HOLY MOTORS is when Oscar (Denis Levant) assumes the role of Merde the Troll, all decked out in his green suit, chomping on flowers and wandering around to the GODZILLA theme.  It's easily the strangest character in a movie chock full of them, but it's also damn funny as well, especially when he interrupts an Eva Mendes photo shoot and the photographer becomes smitten with Merde's weirdness.

I'm really curious to see how the movie holds up to a second viewing - those people who saw it for the second time at Fantastic Fest told me it got even better the second time.  So I'll be sure to catch it when it when it comes in my area - it's being released by Indomina in New York on October 17th, and released nationally on November 9th.  In the meantime, here's a new piece of promotional art for the movie, with the character of Merde front and center:

HOLY MOTORS really is something quite different, and I hope it hits audiences the way it hit me (and many others) at Fantastic Fest.

Nordling, out.  Follow me on Twitter!

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