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Here's 44 Seconds Of LINCOLN!

Nordling here.

I hate these teaser trailers for trailers.  But for this one I'll make an exception.  The trailer for LINCOLN debuts on September 13th, and GooglePlay wants everyone to know it, so we get a snippet of Daniel Day-Lewis (or his back, anyway) and a little bit of combat in this 44 seconds.  I'm curious if the pensive score is John Williams' - it probably is, Spielberg tends to use Williams' music in his trailers - and I'm especially curious as to who the voice-over reading the Gettysburg Address is.  It doesn't sound like Daniel Day-Lewis at all.  Here's the tease:

LINCOLN opens early November, and you can bet when the trailer premieres e'll have it online.

Nordling, out.  Follow me on Twitter!

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