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Richard D. Zanuck 1934-2012

You may not know the name, but you certainly know the films.  THE SOUND OF MUSIC.  THE SUGARLAND EXPRESS.  THE EIGER SANCTION.  JAWS.  THE STING.  DRIVING MISS DAISY.  Even Tim Burton's recent films, from BIG FISH through ALICE IN WONDERLAND and most recently, DARK SHADOWS.  As an independent Hollywood producer, and one-time president of Twentieth Century Fox, Richard D. Zanuck was directly responsible for at least one of your favorite movies, and likely more than one.

Richardl Zanuck died at his home today of a heart attack at age 77.  He is survived by his wife, two children, and nine grandchildren.  We here at Ain't it Cool offer our deepest condolences to their loss, and the loss of all film fans who wanted to pull off the greatest con, get a bigger boat, or fall down the rabbit hole.

If you're a fan, you can read Quint's interview from 2010 with Mr. Zanuck right here.

Nordling, out.

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