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New TOTAL RECALL Poster Has Floating Ladies, Cars And Buildings Bursting From Colin Farrell's Chest!!

The Kidd here...

When I complain that the art of the movie one sheet is dead, one needn't look any further than the latest poster for TOTAL RECALL (via Yahoo!) to understand my feelings. Now I'm not placing all the blame on Sony for this collection of floating images that really don't invoke any particular feelings about the material or the vibe of the film. 

But what I'm looking at feels so empty. It's just the cast thrown together, some pictures someone in marketing thought looked cool together... and there's just no style. There's no emotion. It's Photoshop at its worst. 

If I were to see this in my theatre's lobby, there is nothing about it that'd prompt me to buy a ticket for TOTAL RECALL. And really... isn't that the point of a movie one sheet?

Besides, is that even Jessica Biel??


-Billy Donnelly

"The Infamous Billy The Kidd"

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