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Who Ya Gonna Call For GHOSTBUSTERS 3?? New Writers!!

The Kidd here...

Thanks for playing, Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky. There are some lovely parting gifts waiting for you, but a new perspective is being brought in to try to bring GHOSTBUSTERS 3 closer to actually happening. 

Dan Aykroyd spoke about the continuing development of another GHOSTBUSTERS sequel over the weekend at an appearance to promote his Crystal Head Vodka, telling WIVB, "We've got a new writing staff working on it now. It's got to be perfect. That's the whole thing. There's no point in doing it unless it's perfect. So that's what we're up to now."

It's now up to someone else to meet Bill Murray's incredibly high standards for what GHOSTBUSTERS 3 needs to be in order for him to come aboard. Who that is right now remains a mystery, but it's back to the drawing board without THE OFFICE duo who took first crack at it. 


-Billy Donnelly

"The Infamous Billy The Kidd"

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