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Capone has the Winners' List for the advance Chicago screening of TAKE THIS WALTZ!!!

Hey everyone. Capone here, with the list of winners for tickets to see an advance Chicago screening of TAKE THIS WALTZ on Thursday, June 28 at 7:30pm.

Those who entered and won will receive an email from me shortly with the details on the location of the screening. If you entered this contest and your name is on the list, but you did not receive an email, let me know and I'll get you the details.

Although this is not an exclusive AICN event, our winners' seats will be held until 15 minutes before showtime, at which point any unclaimed seats will be given to the stand-by crowd. So, please arrive no later than 7:15pm to make sure you get in and get a good seat.

Here are the lucky winners…

Kellie Burch (+1)
Nancy Emma Eisenhard (+1)
Monique French (+1)
Daniel Hammond (+1)
Elizabeth Jackson (+1)
Joe Jacob (+1)
Aaron Lawson (+1)
Andrew Miller (+1)
Jason Park (+1)
Angela Peano (+1)
Faye Rasmussen (+1)
Lindsey Romain (+1)
Michelle Staron (+1)
Tyiesha Sydnor (+1)
Sandy Wong (+1)

-- Steve Prokopy
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