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The Trailer For Drafthouse Films' KLOWN Is Absolutely Positively Not Safe For Work. YOU WILL BE FIRED IF YOU WATCH THIS AT WORK. Just A Warning.

Nordling here.

I saw KLOWN at last year's Fantastic Fest, and it makes THE HANGOVER look like REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARM.  Two friends go on a "hunting trip" together (really just a hunt for pussy, to put it bluntly), one of them bringing his young 12-year-old nephew along to prove to his girlfriend that he can be a good father.  What happens on this trip is against all moral codes, and makes for a really funny movie.  The movie is scheduled to be remade by Todd Philips with Danny McBride starring, but I guaran-goddamn-tee you that it won't have the same impact as the original has, unless those people absolutely want to lose their jobs.

That said, I have a strong feeling that many of you will recoil at the movie - there literally is no boundary that KLOWN won't cross for a laugh, and I'm pretty hard to offend, but there are moments in KLOWN that, yeah, made me wince a bit.  You have to admire the bravery of the filmmakers to go places that most comedies wouldn't dare.  If you can laugh at this red band trailer, well, I'd say this movie's for you.  If you get angry, then you know to steer clear.

And, for the cheap seats, don't say I didn't warn you...


KLOWN opens July 27th in New York, Los Angeles, and Austin and will also be on VOD. 

Nordling, out.  Follow me on Twitter!

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