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Regal CEO Amy Miles Might Call You About Your Text Complaints!!

The Kidd here...

So I'm guessing some people underestimated the outrage they'd be hit with when they raised the idea of relaxing the no texting policy that should be in place and enforced (it's not!) in theatres at CinemaCon. All you had to do was take a good, long look at the TalkBacks for my coverage of the "debate," and you could see how genuinely pissed people are when texting occurs during their time at the movies, some of which who have sworn off going to the theatre altogether, because the aggravation just isn't worth it anymore. 

It's not that big of a surprise then that damage control has begun, as I've gotten word of Regal Entertainment CEO Amy Miles now placing phone calls to some who contacted Regal's customer service department regarding her statements in Vegas. 

Our reader Letterboxer received an email response to his inquiry on the matter at the end of last week that read as such:

Thank you for your inquiry and comments. We do appreciate hearing from our guests. The comments from Regal were regarding a proposals from some of our studio partners about possibly programming some teen oriented films with an interactive element. Regal is considering a test in a few theatres but no widespread adoption of the practice. Again thank you for your comments and we appreciate your constructive input.

Thank you for choosing Regal!


Jamie Miller

Operational Services Coordinator

Well, that wasn't the end of it. Earlier today he received a phone call on the number he had left from Miles herself. Here's his account of their discussion:


You may or may not be interested in this, but impressively enough I just answered my cell phone to find that it was Regal Entertainment Group CEO Amy Miles on the phone in response to an email I sent Regal Group regarding her texting in the theaters remark from last week.
She called and said the main stream media only picked up a portion of her panel discussion on the issue.  The panel was discussing how to get the teenage demographic back into theaters (apparently numbers are falling) by allowing texting to happen in a separate theatre for teens or kids where the theatre rules would be relaxed.  However, they brought this up only to disregard the possibility due to other risks (copyright issues, taping movies, etc).
I asked her point blank if she was against texting in theaters and she said "absolutely."  I also asked if she was going to straighten this out in the media and she said she did but the main stream media did not pick up the story.  She is more concerned about her customers and she is calling a handful of folks who sent in emails regarding this issue to reassure them texting will never be allowed in Regal Theaters.
Well, that's it.  Wish I had something cooler to send you.
All my best,
It looks like we're getting a different version of the events from different ends of Regal. First, they had the idea, but weren't looking to roll it out full-blown. But now, that they've felt the wrath of those who know this is a terrible idea, it's the media's fault for reporting this inaccurately. I get trying to squash the anger being aimed at Regal right now, but lying about it isn't going to get you anywhere but in deeper shit. 
Just be honest and say you thought it might be a worthy experiment to try, but, after hearing from your patrons, it's become quite clear to you that you should be working more on how to eliminate texting from theatres in order to boost attendance across all demographics right now instead of how to encourage it. 
And I absolutely invite Amy Miles to a discussion about the topic of texting in theatres, etc. Who knows? Perhaps I can raise some of your issues to her attention. I'm really not that difficult to get a hold of. We'll just have to see if there's truly an interest in doing something or just the perception of doing something. At least it's something, I guess... better than nothing. 

-Billy Donnelly

"The Infamous Billy The Kidd"

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