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Vince Vaughn to play Rockford in TV show theatrical reboot

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Vince Vaughn playing Rockford in a big screen version of The Rockford Files makes a ton of sense. I'm not sure I'm all that interested in seeing it, but I understand how this happened.

I can picture Vaughn as the quick-tongued smart-ass private eye that rolls out of his beach trailer every morning and apparently so can Universal, who have started developing this project for Vaughn to star in and produce, according to Deadline.

Something about this feels very lazy to me. Like I said, it makes a ton of sense, but this is the Dante's Peak to the announced Edgar Wright/Johnny Depp Kolchak flick's Volcano... for me, at any rate.

What do you folks think? What about you, James Garner? What do you think?



-Eric Vespe
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