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CAPTAIN AMERICA's Sequel Has A Release Date!!

The Kidd here...

Mark it down on your calendar now - April 4, 2014. That's when Marvel Studios and Walt Disney Pictures have decided to give us CAPTAIN AMERICA 2, which may seem a bit odd to you since it's a whole month early than the typical kick-off to the summer blockbuster season the first weekend of May. 

To this point, we've only gotten the big Marvel movies during the summer months. That's changing next year with THOR 2 scheduled for November, with IRON MAN 3 hitting earlier in the year, allowing for the films to not run into each others' business, while also penetrating the two busiest times at the box office with two pretty recognizable properties. This makes you wonder if Marvel has another project lined up for scheduling later that summer, around June or July, to collect the summer dollars... ANT-MAN? THE AVENGERS 2? Another INCREDIBLE HULK?


-Billy Donnelly

"The Infamous Billy The Kidd"

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