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Abigail Breslin Is A HAUNTER!


Nordling here.

I loved SPLICE, Vincenzo Natali's last movie - I thought it was creepy, with shades of old-school Cronenberg and at times scary as hell.  "Iiiinnnnsiiiiiide youuuuuu..."  Heh.  If you haven't seen SPLICE do yourself a solid - it's a very effective horror film and worth your time.  And he's just announced some major casting for his new film, according to Variety.

Natali is continuing his exploration of genre tropes with HAUNTER, his ghost story, and he's just cast Abigail Breslin as a spirit who is trying to prevent what happened to her and her family from happening to another girl and her family living in the same house.  It's a twist on the old haunted house story, as this will be told from the ghost's point-of-view.  If Natali brings to HAUNTER what he brought to SPLICE, I really can't wait to see what he's come up with.  Filming starts this month.

Nordling, out.  Follow me on Twitter!

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