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TWINS sequel TRIPLETS moving forward with Schwarzenegger, DeVito and...




Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. As a fan of batshit crazy ideas that never seemed to quite make it all the way to the big screen, like Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian, this breaking news from THR's Heat Vision Blog reads like the kind of stuff that sounds insane, moves forward for a bit then fizzles out.

But for the moment it's moving forward. Triplets is the working title (there is no script or writers attached yet, another indicator this could all end up nowhere), but apparently Schwarzenegger, DeVito and Eddie Murphy are already onboard.

And call me crazy, but even though this smells like a huge trainwreck I am kind of desperate to see this movie. Not in a "so bad it's good" way, either. What if this bizarre idea is so weird and out there that it actually works?

But yeah, it feels like a fake trailer in the making, an awards show parody, but what the hell... at least they're not talking about remaking the damn thing...

-Eric Vespe
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