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Why didn’t someone tell The Behind the Scenes Pic of the Day its ass was so big!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with today’s Behind the Scenes Pic!

So, let’s set the scene: It’s 1987, the location is the lobby of the local 4-screen theater and there’s a little 6 year old whining to his mother that he didn’t want to go see this movie. There was another movie, now long-forgotten, that this brat wanted to see more and his mother told him to calm down. “This movie is just like Star Wars,” she said. “You’ll love it.”

This little kid thought this could be a trick, but went along and found himself laughing hysterically at Mel Brooks’ Spaceballs.

That little whiny bastard was yours truly.

One of the things that made me fall in love with the movies was seeing how films change with your perspective. Most of Spaceballs’ humor flew way over my head. As a six year old I could laugh at the pissed off dude combing the desert who yells out “We ain’t found shit!” because the imagery was ridiculous and he said a dirty word. It wasn’t until seeing it as a teenager that I got that the black dudes were combing the desert with an afro pick.

Now, Spaceballs isn’t exactly the most elevated comedy, but it just goes to remind us how even the silly movies hold some magic.

I’d never in a million years call Spaceballs Brooks’ best movie, but I love it to death. John Candy as a man-dog called Barf, the John Hurt cameo, the cool Winnebago, the childish dick humor, Rick Moranis as the bad guy… the movie just has a lot going for it. It might not be Young Frankenstein or Blazing Saddles great, but it’ll always be dear to me.

Pat Barnett comes through again with this one. Click to enlargen!



If you have a behind the scenes shot you’d like to submit to this column, you can email me at

May tomorrow’s pic be with you, always.

-Eric Vespe
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Click here to visit the complete compilation of previous Behind the Scenes images, Page One
(warning: there are some broken links that will be fixed as soon as I can get around to it)

Click here to visit the complete compilation of previous Behind the Scenes images, Page Two

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