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Friends, Gentlemen... we have scored.

Ya know, I kinda find it a bit funny to finally see this film during SHOWEST... in LAS VEGAS. It's just odd to see such a dynamic tonal shift from the bright neons and plastic women.... tit bars and roulette wheels... and GOAT ON FIRE AND SMILING FISH.

This isn't the greatest film in the world, but I'll be damned if it isn't real damn good. The film stars a group of actors that you have probably never seen. It's a movie created on a shoestring by two brothers and a best buddy from way back when, up in New York.

In a fun way it reminds of GOOD WILL HUNTING, but without the 'oh too perfect' monologues that we would all like to think we could say, but... oh no. That never happens.

If I had to use one word to describe the film, I'd have to use 'sincere'. This movie has an honest feeling of a turning point in young twentysomething lives... not just of this generation or the last generation... This is the film that Freddie Prinze Jr likes to think he's as good as. This film is the real McCoy. No heavy duty latest hits peppered throughout the soundtrack... Forget that. This film features Bill Henderson (jazz great and a helluva Buckeroo) as not only a major wonderful character, but on the soundtrack singing "Cordouroy Penis" which.... by the way is the name for a penis sheathed in a ribbed condom.

It's easy for jaded types to dismiss this film as being some sort of formulaic romantic comedy... but they really do have their heads firmly lodged in high fiber packed colons. This is the sort of film that just feels effortless in the way it flows and entertains.

The name? What does it mean? Well, I'll tell ya what, I agree... that title smells like a turd if you haven't seen the movie. But approximately 4 minutes in you completely understand the title... and it's a smile that should not be spoiled by anyone.

There's a reason that the film has a champion in Roger Ebert... it's good. It's the fresh wind that I'll get a whiff of on this Vegas Trip. The moment of clarity. Oh... and ya just have to check out the Mail Woman and the Italian Animal Wrangler chick! Oh.. and all the Paul Robeson stuff. Oh... and the nifty Rugby scenes... and the completely natural charm and interaction between Derek Martini and Steven Martini. Their brotherhood and naturally formed chemistry is such a wonderful delight in this movie.

They, along with director Kevin Jordan, wrote a wonderful script that is just sweet, romantic, tragic and beautiful. Jeff Dowd... the dude... has pointed me at two films thus far.... TWO FAMILY HOUSE, which won the audience award at SUNDANCE... and this film which won the 'Discovery Award' in TORONTO. Kevin Jordan is an apprentice of Martin Scorsese and had time at the master's hand while filming KUNDUN. That, and some friendly advice from Scorsese after the first print assembly has certainly made for a very interesting filmmaker.

Now... with just 4 and a half hours to rest before heading to the NEW LINE FUNCTION to catch the first footage from LORD OF THE RINGS.... and listening to the snoring of the 47 year old man... Moriarty. God help me survive the next 3 days. This town is an EVIlllll place! But boy it's fun.

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