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Here's The Trailer For STRUCK BY LIGHTNING!

Nordling here.

I don't watch GLEE anymore - it's lost its way, and some people will say it never had a way - but I still enjoyed Chris Colfer's performance on the show.  The writing has taken the character of Kurt to some strange places, and for a while there there wasn't an episode in which he didn't cry in it, but I think they've changed that up since then.  I've only seen an episode or two of this season.

Chris Colfer took his visibility from GLEE and wrote a screenplay, which got made into a movie, and the result is STRUCK BY LIGHTNING, and I was pretty impressed with the cast that they got for it.  Although a few of the lines feel like they come from Screenwriting 101 there's a nice rebellious vibe to the trailer that I liked.  It looks  funny and sweet, and I'll give it a shot.  Here's the trailer, courtesy of E! Online:

Nordling, out.  Follow me on Twitter!

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