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Magnolia picks up V/H/S for VOD and theatrical distribution!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I'm so tired and still have a good half-dozen movies to catch in my final days at Sundance, but I had to take a break to throw this story up. V/H/S is one of my favorite movies at the fest (review here) and I'm very happy to report that Magnolia has picked it up, dropping over a million bucks for the found footage horror anthology.

Hollywood Reporter's Risky Business Blog got the scoop and say that Magnolia's going to do their VOD/theatrical release with the film, first putting out on VOD for 30 days then doing "a significant theatrical release."

This is great news as I think V/H/S is the best found footage movie since REC and REC 2. It manages to go beyond found footage and remembered that people like to have fun at these kinds of movies.

Congrats to the filmmakers and we'll let you know when release dates are announced!

-Eric Vespe
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