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So Who Will Replace Benicio Del Toro In STAR TREK 2?

Nordling here.

Now that Benicio Del Toro is out, the part is open for the unnamed villain of J.J. Abram's STAR TREK 2.  Whether or not the character is Khan is unknown at this time - personally, if they're just going to rehash what we got in WRATH OF KHAN I don't see the point; we already got the best possible TREK movie from that story - but the part still stands open, whatever it is.  And that part apparently calls for a Latin actor to fill it.

According to Variety, that actor could very well be Édgar Ramírez, star of the tremendously great CARLOS.  Again, unclear on the part - but I could definitely see a young Khan there.  And if you haven't seen CARLOS, do yourself a solid and see it.  Hell of a miniseries.

Nordling, out.

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