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Want To See The JOHN CARTER Trailer, As Seen On Good Morning America Today?

Nordling here.

We've been getting pictures, posters, and art from JOHN CARTER for a few weeks now, and it's looking like the trailer is coming very soon - tonight, after JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE, as a matter of fact - but this morning, ABC's Good Morning America gave us the first look at what to expect.

It's hard to judge from the trailer, but I like it.  I like the creatures, I like the action.  I'm not even sure how much is greenscreen work and how much is live-action when it comes to the backgrounds.  I was under the impression that quite a bit of the film was shot greenscreen and the backgrounds were rendered, but you'd never know it to look at the sets.  I could be wrong about that, though.  This production supposedly passed the $200 million mark, and could be even higher than that, but what it looks like we're getting is some good old-fashioned sci-fi pulp, which is what we should expect from an Edgar Rice Burroughs work. 

But see for yourself - this is taken from today's Good Morning America, and Taylor Kitsch sets up the trailer for what we're seeing, and we're going to get the direct trailer tonight.  JOHN CARTER opens next March.  Enjoy!

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Nordling, out.

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