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See Two Pics From Joe Carnahan's THE GREY!

Nordling here.

If you've been following Joe Carnahan's Twitter feed (@CarnoJoe) over the weekend, he's been talking a lot about his new film THE GREY, about some oil workers, headed by Liam Neeson, stranded in the frozen Alaskan wilderness, and being chased by hungry wolves.  THE GREY also has a Twitter account, @TheGreyMovie, and once it reached 300 followers Joe Carnahan promised some new pictures of the film, coming this January.  They got the followers, and so here are the pictures, including Liam Neeson preparing to go all wolf-punchy and a shot of the group braving a snowstorm.

I'm really excited to see this one - this has a Carpenter's THING vibe to me, and I love Joe Carnahan's films.  Plus, again, wolf punching.

Nordling, out.

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