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Fantastic Fest '11 Film TWO EYES STARING To Be Remade Into A Charlize Theron Thriller!

Nordling here.

I missed TWO EYES STARING (ZWART WATER for those who speak Dutch) at Fantastic Fest, but word I heard was pretty good.  Word is it's a slow burn horror film, from the Netherlands, and like so many other films that played this year, has the interests of Hollywood to remake for English-speaking audiences.  Now, Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Scott Derrickson has signed on to direct the film, with Charlize Theron as a beleagued mother, whose daughter might just be haunted by her mother's dead twin.

Derrickson (currently working on an untitled horror/crime film written by Christopher Cargill, better known around these parts as Massawyrm) co-wrote the script with THE EXORCISM OF EMILY ROSE co-writer Paul Boardman.  Theron will also be producing the film with Summit Entertainment.

Fantastic Fest showcases the best of world genre film, so it's no surprise so many films get picked up for remakes there.  I wish that those films would get some sort of theatrical window in the States before getting remade, like what Magnolia did with LET THE RIGHT ONE IN.  The concept sounds intriguing and I wish I'd caught this one when it played.  That's the thing about Fantastic Fest - only the truly stalwart can se everything.

Nordling, out.

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