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ACT OF VALOR Trailer! See Real Navy SEALS Doing What They Do!

Nordling here.

This could just be a propaganda piece, or something more, but I'll tell you, I'm a sucker for this kind of high-tech ops stuff, regardless of politics.  Call it CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE THE MOVIE if you want, and judging from this trailer, I'd bet that while the action will be suitably intense, the acting will... well, let's just say the action will be intense.  This is a fictional story starring real Navy SEALS using real tactics.  I especially like the shot when they take down the guy on the river, and don't let him fall into the water.  What can I say, I'm very intrigued by this:


ACT OF VALOR opens February 2012.  I wonder if the video game will follow shortly afterwards.  Nordling, out.

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