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AICN COMICS/HORROR: Ambush Bug takes a look at The Adventures of Basil & Moebius’ NO REST FOR THE WICKED short film, premiering at Fantastic Fest 2011! Plus a review of THE DEVIL’S HANDSHAKE comic and an exclusive peek at THE SHADOW GAMBIT!

Hey folks, Ambush Bug here with a very special report which crosses over to both the areas comics and horror. Writer Ryan Schiffrin (director/writer of ABOMINABLE) has teamed up with legendary writer Larry Hama (GI JOE) to create the Adventures of Basil and Moebius. So far, Schiffrin and Hama have published a comic book through Archaia called THE DEVIL’S HANDSHAKE and this Saturday at Fantastic Fest, Schiffrin is premiering a short film featuring the pair of paranormal adventurers for hire called NO REST FOR THE WICKED, starring Ray Park, Zachary Levi, Malcolm McDowell, & Kane Hodder (the only Jason Voorhees that matters!). Schiffrin has big plans for Basil and Moebius. Coming soon, the pair will be starring in THE SHADOW GAMBIT, a 110 page graphic novel written by Schiffrin and Hama with art by legendary penciller Robert Atkins!

I’m covering all three projects in this column, beginning with an 8 page preview of THE SHADOW GAMBIT, set to be published in 2012. This is an exclusive premiere of these pages. Click on the images to make ‘em grow!

Next up is a review of NO REST FOR THE WICKED, a short film directed and written by Ryan Schiffrin premiering tomorrow at Fantastic Fest 2011!


Written and directed by Ryan Schiffrin
Starring Ray Park, Zachary Levi, Malcolm McDowell, & Kane Hodder
Find out more info on the short film and where to see it here.
Reviewer: Ambush Bug

Spawning from his hit comic THE DEVIL’S HANDSHAKE from Archaia, Ryan Schiffrin writes and directs this short horror adventure romp featuring the title’s two main characters Basil & Moebius. Basil (Ray Park) is a street tough brawler while Moebius (Zachary Levi) plays a dashing cat burglar playboy. Together the two are the stuff that makes for good adventure. Schiffrin goes for broke here as Basil and Moebius are out to find a map to a secret treasure. On their quest they run into a maniacal Malcolm MacDowell, zombie ghouls, and a kung fu monkey. Filled with action and humor, Schiffrin packs a lot into this short film.

The real thrill here is seeing Ray Park without his face covered by make up or masks. The guy is actually not a bad actor and though everyone knows how formidable his martial arts skills are, not as many know that he’s a pretty commanding presence without a hood or mask too. Schiffrin writes some punchy dialog for Park and Levi (who is playing a role much more akin to his performance in the TV series CHUCK) highlighting that these two heroes have a lot of history together. NO REST FOR THE WICKED is a fun little short. I know Basil and Moebius are set for another comic book adventure soon, but I’d love to see a feature featuring Schiffrin’s characters played by these actors as well. NO REST FOR THE WICKED will be making its debut at Fantastic Fest this fall. Find out more about this short film here.

Finally, here’s a review of the comic book that started it all, THE DEVIL’S HANDSHAKE OGN!


Writers: Larry Hama & Ryan Schifrin
Art: Adam Archer
Publisher: Archaia
Reviewer: Ambush Bug
Click on the images for a 7 page preview of the comic!

These days, taking chances on new comics is a hard thing to do. With the price of comics rising and money being tight all over, it’s no wonder when I talk to folks, they are reluctant to venture outside of the Big Two. But the thing is, now more than ever, there are comics out there that are so much better that venture outside of the superhero box comics has wedged itself into. Case in point: a graphic novel from Archaia called DEVIL’S HANDSHAKE.

The first thing I noticed about this book is the phenomenal art by Adam Archer. The action depicted is as varied as the colors are rich. Archer puts personality in not only the main characters of the story, but the background characters that would normally be overlooked by other artists. The scenery, which is a big part of this story, is vibrant as well. From the darkest parts of the jungle, to a volcano cliff, to a desert oasis, Archer fills each panel with variety and authenticity. He also draws some damn fine women.

The second thing I noticed about this book is the fact that it’s got some very cool characters in the form of Moebius and Basil. Immediately after meeting this pair of adventurers, I wanted to know more about them, how they first met, and what kind of predicaments they can get themselves into. Like most pairings, they couldn’t be more different. The best way of describing them is that Moebius walks between the raindrops while Basil steps in the puddles. Both characters work for an enigmatic character called The Collector, who sends the pluckish pair on adventures around the world.

The thing that appealed the most to me about this book was the fact that it read like an old school pulp, but it was set in modern times. There are definitely shades of Allan Quartermain and Indiana Jones at work here, but the mismatched buddy cop pairing brings an all new energy to it. The pair trots all over the globe in this 42 page graphic novel and like the INDIANA JONES films, the locales are as important as the stars. The intensity of the action is set high and this book doesn’t offer a lot of time to breathe. It just barrels through giving this reader exactly what he was looking for…fun characters doing exciting things I haven’t seen before.

Did I mention that there’s also a supernatural, Lovecraftian element at work here? Well, there is. The undercurrent of the weird flows through this entire story, never overpowering the book, but enriching the story all the more with its enigmatic presence. And the Ghoul Brothers, a rival pairing of thieves who appear to be zombie monsters in trench coats and bandages, are as spooky as they are cool.

Having read Schifrin and Hama’s last collaboration, SPOOKS, I knew the team could do action and the supernatural pretty well. The thing that differentiates this book from SPOOKS, though, is the element of fun that oozes off of every page. Venturing outside of the Big Two can be scary, I know. But when you get to read treats like DEVIL’S HANDSHAKE it makes the risk worth taking. With a debut as strong as this one, this is the first of what I hope to be many adventures for Schifrin and Hama’s Basil & Moebius. Highly recommended for adventure lovers who like their thrills served up with even helpings of fun and creepiness.

If you’re at the fest, check out NO REST FOR THE WICKED playing tomorrow and Monday. It’s a fantastically written story with bombastically fun characters whether in movie or comic book form! Find out more about The Adventures of Basil & Moebius here!

Ambush Bug is Mark L. Miller, original @$$Hole / wordslinger / reviewer / co-editor of AICN Comics for over nine years. Mark is also a regular writer for FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND and will be releasing FAMOUS MONSTERS first ever comic book miniseries LUNA in October (co-written by Martin Fisher with art by Tim Rees) Order Code: AUG111067! Support a Bug by checking out his comics (click on the covers to purchase)!

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