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Looking for young boy actors for "Untitled Steven Spielberg Project" eh'

Hey folks, Harry here. Well... Looky here. I'll call this boy, Barooni the Genie, after my favorite on screen kid ever. Well, Barooni... I think I do have an idea what you might be doing. I believe that 'The Beard' is probably looking for his Harry Potter... or at least fishing right now. I hope to change your spy name to Harry Potter someday, and best of luck. NOW... for the rest of you. This doesn't mean that this is Steven's next project, but it does mean that in all liklihood he is... ummm exploring his options. Knowing MINORITY REPORT... there really isn't a kid in that project... A.I.? Well... anybody's guess... but Steven did say that if he made that film, that it would be down the road. I believe (hunches, guesses, not really based on facts) that this might very well be HARRY POTTER activity by Spielberg. So, let's all think good thoughts about Barooni here, and hope that he'll soon be in the land beyond beyond, in the world past hope and fear... Sorry... I can't help myself...

Dear Mr Harry

I am just a kid so you probably will not beleive me but today my mother told me that my agent called to say that I am supposed to try out for this movie called Untitled Steven Speilberg Project. I read your sight all the time and I was wanting to know if you know what I am trying for. I like those X-Men pictures a lot. Can you help me? I want to work with him I am very good my mom says. Wish me luck. I love your site.

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