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Jack Black, Nicolas Cage, and Steve Carell In Charlie Kaufman's Latest!

Nordling here.

Love Charlie Kaufman's work, just love it.  He thinks around corners in a very unusual and original way, and his worldview is never dull.  He's written one of my favorite films of the Aughts, ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND, and it looks like his second directorial effort is ramping up.  It's called FRANK OR FRANCIS, and it looks like he's signed Jack Black, Nicolas Cage, and Steve Carell for the film.

FRANK OR FRANCIS should be a perfect film for Talkbackers.  The plot centers around a film director (Frank) who gets into a war of words with an online blogger (Francis) who trashes his cinematic abilities.  No word on who is playing who, but c'mon, Jack Black's obviously playing the blogger.  Put a thick beard on him and he could play Devin Faraci!  Devin'll likely rip me a new one for suggesting it.  This should be a fun movie.

Nordling, out.

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