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Here's A Short, Not-Particularly-Spoilery Episode Description Of DOCTOR WHO's 'Let's Kill Hitler'!!


Merrick here...

Teased as we entered DOCTOR WHO's damnable mid-Season/Series break, the next new installment of the show will be titled...provocatively enough..."Let's Kill Hitler." 

Seems "Let's Kill Hitler" will be screened at the MediaGuardian Edinburgh International Television Festival (site HERE) in late August, and the festival has now provided an intriguing thumbnail description of the episode's story.  Said thumbnail can be found at the bottom of THIS page - click the "+" sign next to SCREENING: DOCTOR WHO. 

PERSONALLY, I don't consider this synopsis to be much of a spoiler - as I'm sure trailers, teasers, and whatnot will probably reveal more than this before the episode actually hits the air.  The description actually invites more questions than it provides answers, and if you're it is.  This was called to our attention by


In the desperate search for Melody Pond, the TARDIS crash lands in 1930s Berlin, bringing the Doctor face to face with the greatest war criminal in the Universe. And Hitler. The Doctor must teach his adversaries that time travel has responsibilities - and in so doing, learns a harsh lesson in the cruellest warfare of all.


See what I mean? 

So why does the TARDIS crash? 

And..."the greatest war criminal in the Universe"?!?!?  Is this someone we've met, have heard about but have yet to meet?  Or are we dealing with an entirely new character?  Let the speculation begin!

I wanna see The Peking Homunculus again (and, no, I'm not suggesting that's who is involved here).  I mean, hell, Deep Roy's still around - and we never really got to see "Mr. Sin" be the trouble making badass they made him out to be.  I know they'll never bring him/it back, and truthfully they probably shouldn't.  But, hey...a guy can hope...


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