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"Shall We Play A Game... Again?" KING OF KONG's Seth Gordon To Reboot WARGAMES!

Nordling here.

Although it's still a fun film, the years have not been kind to WARGAMES.  That's the danger of making film stories around computers - they date quickly.  WARGAMES' "Joshua" computer probably has less power in it than today's iPhone.  But the premise - high school kid accidentally brings the country to the brink of nuclear war - is still a good one, and with today's technology and cyberterrorism rearing its ugly head, I'd bet that a good filmmaker could take that premise and run with it.  All these computer movies will be dated anyway once we enter the Singularity.  These movies will seem downright adorable.

For now, though, we're getting the old reboot, and the director will be Seth Gordon, of next week's HORRIBLE BOSSES, but more importantly, of THE KING OF KONG: A FISTFUL OF QUARTERS.  That's a good choice - you can't get much geekier than the arcade gaming community, so this is a world that Gordon would understand.  I'd imagine that any reboot would deal with today's tech, and it would be interesting to see how Gordon will balance the tech with the story and not make it seem too out there for audiences.  If he kept the film strictly based in reality, with AI, hacking, and government technology, I bet a WARGAMES reboot could actually be downright scary.  I remember the premise back in the 1980s was fairly terrifying to us Cold War kids - Gordon's job would be to make it even more so today.

In the meantime, I leave you with Brian Kuh of Gordon's KING OF KONG - just because it's damn funny:

Nordling, out.

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