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BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER’s Sarah Michelle Gellar Returning To CW (Kind Of) For RINGER!!

I am – Hercules!!

The WB and UPN were the homes to “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” for seven seasons. Now that they’ve merged to form The CW, The CW has greenlit “Buffy” star Sarah Michelle Gellar’s new pilot to series.

The slightly weird thing about about “Ringer,” a thriller about twins and murder from writer-producers Eric Charmelo and Nicole Snyder (“Supernatural”), is until about 10 minutes ago it was a CBS pilot. (The CW is co-owned by CBS and Time Warner.)

Presumably CBS didn’t have enough room on its schedule while most of the pilots made for the CW were as lame as last year’s crop.

By the way, don't expect Gellar to have anything to do with the big-screen "Buffy" remake that's being developed. “It was a movie, it’s been made. It stars Kristy Swanson, they made it. They don’t need to make another one,” she told CNN earlier this month.  “I think it’s a horrible idea, to try to do a Buffy without Joss Whedon.”


Find all of Deadline’s exclusive on the matter here.



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