Ain't It Cool News (
Movie News

Thomas Jane joins Stallone and Walter Hill on HEADSHOT!!! Commence badassery...

Hey folks, Harry here...  learning the ends and outs of the Podcasting universe so I can begin to put one out, when I get an email from Sly letting me know that Thomas Jane inadvertently let it slip that he was cast in HEADSHOT, before Sly could let all his friends here at AintItCool know - but as I haven't found that interview - and I haven't really seen this news anywhere yet, so while it's out there somewhere, we do have the confirmation from Sly that The Punisher is going to co-star with the man we all wish would've played THE PUNISHER in a film titled HEADSHOT about a cop & a hitman that join forces for a righteous cause of spilling a ton of blood - as directed by the master, WALTER HILL!   Awesome sauce!

Now - does this mean we'll get some badass Tim Bradstreet posters with Sly & Thomas?   I certainly hope so...

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