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Pride and Prejudice and Zombies gets a director!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Lionsgate has announced a director for their adaptation of the costume drama/horror hybrid Pride and Prejudice and Zombies...



And their pick sounds odd at first until you take a gander at his filmography. In my mind Craig Gillespie is a comedy director. Lars and the REal Girl is the first film of his that pops into my mind when I hear his name. But he's also the guy doing the Fright Night remake, which I'm sure some of the top brass must have seen something from before hiring him for this hodgepodge Victorian Era zombie bit of craziness.

Surely this film won't be taking itself seriously, so having someone with a hand in both horror-comedy and comedy-comedy will end up a good choice for this material, right?

What do you folks think?

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