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The Behind the Scenes Pic of the Day has to warn people. It has to make them believe!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with today’s Behind the Scenes Pic!

There’s been a long standing feud in the horror geek world. This Civil War has dominated many discussions since the early ‘80s and has broken many happy families, pitted brother against brother and has caused much misery.

Of course I’m talking about the eternal question: What is a better werewolf movie, The Howling or An American Werewolf In London? While this war compiles casualties I stand on the sidelines pleading for both sides to see reason. Why can’t we all get along? Why can’t we agree that they’re both good movies with their own unique tone and individual awesomeness?

Joe Dante’s The Howling has a great transformation that is much different from An American Werewolf In London’s. Rob Bottin and Rick Baker shouldn’t be thrown into the Thunderdome against each other, they should be celebrated as geniuses in their field.

The Howling has a grit to it that is incredible, a creepy fucked up tone that Joe Dante hasn’t ever repeated. The way Dee Wallace delivers the final moments creeps me out just thinking back on it.

So, let’s put aside old grudged and show some love for the below shot, which has Joe Dante posing with his slate on the set of The Howling.

Click for a slightly bigger version!



Tomorrow’s Behind the Scenes Pic features one of cinema’s iconic beauties with one of cinema’s most iconic directors/leading men.

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