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The Behind the Scenes Pic of the Day isn’t fit to guard the fish at the aquarium!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with today’s Behind the Scenes Pic!

Well, yesterday’s behind the scenes pic, technically. I guess today is still valid for our Hawaiian readers, so that’s something, right? Apologies for being tardy with this, but I hit the ground running today and was away from my computer from very early on.

Now I’m back and I bring you one of the more obscure entries of this column. There’s a fantastic buddy cop movie from the mid-‘70s called FREEBIE AND THE BEAN starring James Caan and Alan Arkin.

Tarantino showed this film early on in his regular QT Film Fest here in Austin and ever since seeing it there in my young teen years I’ve been in love with it. Recently, the great Warner Archive series released a great transfer on DVD (click here to check it out) so now you don’t have any excuse not to see this insane slice of ‘70s fried gold.

Chemistry between actors doesn’t get much better than Caan and Arkin in this movie. They play partners tasked with protecting a key witness… the problem is they’re not very good at their jobs. I wouldn’t say they’re bumbling fools, but they certainly fuck up a lot. As with most stuff made in the ‘70s there’s a realism to the flick that makes it hard to pigeonhole into one particular genre. It’s a cop movie, a comedy and even a little bit of a thriller. No matter what section of a video store (remember those?) you’d find this title, the final product is just plain awesome.

Thanks to reader Pat Barnett for sending this (and many other great shots) along! Click to make bigger!



The prophecy didn’t say anything about tomorrow’s Behind the Scenes Pic!

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