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Hercules Says Norm Macdonald’s Saturday Comedy Central Special Demands To Be Watched!!

I am Hercules!!

Norm Macdonald’s gambling may have finally caught up with him; he’s suddenly gone from MIA to omnipresent. He’s hosting two TV shows on two different cable channels (“High Stakes Poker” on GSN tonight and “Sports Show,” which Comedy Central launches two weeks from Tuesday) and tonight Comedy Central premieres “Me Doing Stand-Up, “ his super-funny new stand-up special.


Norm does a hilarious impression of a human heart reacting to the arrival of a defibrillator.

He does an equally hilarious impression of a victorious case of colon cancer.

He does a similarly hilarious impression of himself pleading with the Angel of Death.

He discusses why, as diseases go, alcoholism is better one to catch than colon cancer.

He closes the hour-long special with a few paragraphs about O.J. Simpson, and why it actually might be more just that the Heisman Trophy winner is stuck in prison for stealing his own shirts rather than for double homicide.

Comedy Central has cunningly moved the special’s premiere to 11:30 p.m., opposite a repeat of SNL.


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