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Updated! Mr. Beaks Is Giving Away Five Pairs Of Tickets To Tomorrow's SUPER Screening At The New Beverly!


Beaks here...

James Gunn's dark vigilante comedy SUPER isn't due in theaters until next Friday, April 1st, but if you live in Los Angeles, I might be able to send you to a special screening tomorrow night (Wednesday, March 23) at The New Beverly

Here's the deal: I've just been given five pairs of tickets to dish out to our readers. Since this is kinda last second, I've really no choice but to do first-come/first-serve. So if you're interested and think you can make it on time, here's what you need to do, like, now-ish:

1) Send an email with the subject header "SUPER Screening" to

2) In the body of the email, please give me your full name and the full name of your guest.

The screening begins at 7:30 PM. Tickets will be held at the box office, and you must present a photo ID. Seating is limited, so I'd recommend that you arrive at the theater no later than 7 PM.

The winners will be listed below as soon as I've got 'em! Good luck!

And the winners are...

Eric Hight and Wendy Garvin

Cyrus Mirakhor and Cherie Detwiler

Brion Hambel and Vanessa Vander Pluym

Daniel Beals and Zak White

Troy Cote and Francesca Ferrigno


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