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Stallone To Hand Over The Directing Reins In EXPENDABLES 2?

Nordling here.

I'd love to see another go-round of THE EXPENDABLES.  I really enjoyed the first film, especially Terry Crews' Magical Automatic Shotgun.  I think they've set up the team well and further adventures would be just fine with me.  But according to the LA Times, Sylvester Stallone may decide to hand over directing to someone else for the sequel.  They've also hired screenwriters David Agosto and Ken Kaufman to pen the sequel.

Another director would allow Stallone to concentrate on his performance.  Considering that he got injured last time, and considering all the work he put into making the original, this could be a good choice.  THE EXPENDABLES could very well become a franchise, and different directors could bring their own perspective on the material, freeing up Stallone.  As long as he's involved with the film, I'm good with that. He put his all in the original film, and letting someone else take the reins would free him up immensely.

As far as other actors returning to the project, the article only speculates.  Obviously Stallone and Jason Statham would need to return, and the idea of Bruce Willis as the "super villain" of the piece is intriguing.  Considering Stallone and Schwarzenegger were the heads of rival merc companies, it would rock to see their teams go head to head, both teams manipulated by Willis' character.  Throw the net out for casting, old and new, and EXPENDABLES 2 has the potential to be an action movie lover's dream.

Nordling, out.

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