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That’s right, Bub. Say hello to Aunt Behind the Scenes Pic of the Day. Say “Hello, Aunt Behind The Scenes Pic of the Day.”

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with today’s Behind the Scenes Pic!

I never got the hate for Day of the Dead. I bet all the snarky video guys and horror nerds from the late ‘80s and early ’90s are singing a different tune now that there’s been countless fuck-awful zombie movies and some genuinely horrid Romero movies since.

Both Night and Dawn focus on the immediacy of the zombie outbreak… as do 90% of the zombie movie rip-offs. What’s interesting to me about Day is that the zombies have won from frame one. I believe Dr. Logan even says that living humans are outnumbered 400,000 to 1 in the flick.

This isn’t about the chaos of the outbreak, but what to do now that zombies have overrun the earth. The central conflict is about militarism vs. science, cold logic vs. knee-jerk reactionaryism. And both sides have their points by the end of things, both are led by lunatics.

Unlike some of Romero’s more recent zombie flicks the film is also really well made on top of having something on its mind. Joseph Pilato’s Captain Rhodes is a great despicable villain and his comeuppance is absolutely deserved.

So, today we’re going to look at a nice shot of George Romero, his daughter and a family friend… I’ll call him Uncle Bub.

Thanks to K. Todoulakis for sending this one along. Enjoy!



Tomorrow’s Behind the Scenes Pic features one of the greats at work on what has become a lost artform!

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