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Some new X-Men: First Class posters hit the net!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with some new super hero stuff for your eyeballs. This time we have two character posters for X-Men: First Class.

I trust Matthew Vaughn, really dug the feel of the trailer, but once again when you take a still image from the movie it doesn't come across as all that impressive. These two posters are okay, but doesn't blow my hair back, sad to say. I dig the reflection imagery idea, but it feels like one pass away from being the real poster to me for some reason. Or maybe I'm becoming a grumpy bastard in my old age.

But the movie is what's important and if Vaughn was able to make a good X-Men movie in the house of Rothman it'll be a minor miracle, so make a wish, say a prayer, finger a rosary... let's hope this one makes it through the grinder.

I saw the pics at NicoFilmosphere's photostream via a link from the good folks at Cinemablend.






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