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Throw your arms across your eyes and scream, Behind the Scenes Pic of the Day! Scream for your life!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with today’s Behind the Scenes Pic!

From the “Careful What You Wish For” Files comes this shot from the original 1933 King Kong.

We had some talkback wanting more ethnicity in the BTS pics and then someone joked I should respond to that with a blackface native shot from Kong… well, I just so happened to have such a thing.

Is it still considered blackface when a black actor wears it? Noble Johnson, one of the pioneering black actors of his day, played the part of the Native Chief in Kong, but his make-up is pretty… thick, as evidenced in this picture.

Political correctness aside, I love that Johnson is half in make-up chilling on the set with his rather large dog.

I’m not 100% sure, but I think that’s Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack standing with Noble and his dog.

Click for the bigger version! Hope you guys enjoy!



Shhhh! Tomorrow’s Behind the Scenes Pic is listening to reason!

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