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Detroit needs ROBOCOP - you can make it a reality! Geeks Unite!

Hey folks, Harry here...   This is one of those things that we're meant to change.   As geeks - there are things that we are united in minds to accomplish.  Differences we are meant to make.   WE - as a whole, love ROBOCOP.   We as a whole, wish the once powerful and great city of Detroit the very best.   DETROIT is emblematic of the problems that the United States faces.   Motor City, had most of its motors leave - killing the industry that built this great city.   Now buildings, houses... vast areas of the city are dying.  Once vital neighborhoods.   This is an American tragedy.   But as geeks, there's one thing we can all help to do, to make Detroit great...   and that's help build a ROBOCOP Statue!!!!


They need $50,000.00 to build a permanent statue to the cinematic symbol of justice in Old Detroit.   I know there's great charities to do great work for a number of causes, but this - this is just something that feels right for me.   Detroit needs ROBOCOP - and we need to visit ROBOCOP in Detroit.   Let's make this happen.   That's just too cool!   Kids playing at his awesome feet.  This would be epic.

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