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It's The End Of The World As We NOAH It (And Darren Aronofsky Feels Fine)


Nordling here.
When THE FOUNTAIN couldn't get the budget that Darren Aronofsky wanted, he decided to tell his story in comic book form.  It's a visually striking and intriguing comic, expanding the story but not losing any of the intimacy that the film achieved.  Over the year, I think THE FOUNTAIN has reached a kind of classic status, at least among Aronofsky's fans.  I think it's his best film, myself.
Well, according to a scoop at Bleeding Cool, Aronofsky's going the comic book route again to tell a story that he's wanted to tell since he was 13 years old, and it looks to be an epic - the story of Noah and the Ark.  According to Aronofsky himself, it's "a great script and it’s huge. And we’re starting to feel out talent. And then we’ll probably try and set it up… It’s the end of the world and it’s the second most famous ship after the Titanic. So I’m not sure why any studio won’t want to make it."
Indeed.  With the success of THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, and Aronofsky's own success with BLACK SWAN - almost $100 million now - I would think that a studio would definitely want to give this a look.  For now though, the comic is drawn by Nico Henrichon, and the pictures we have so far indicate something fairly large in scope, at least:
The comic will address many modern issues while staying true to the core story.  Aronofsky: "I think it’s really timely because it’s about environmental apocalypse which is the biggest theme, for me, right now for what’s going on on this planet. So I think it’s got these big, big themes that connect with us. Noah was the first environmentalist. He’s a really interesting character. Hopefully they’ll let me make it."

A promotional video is available to watch at Bleeding Cool.  Check it out.  I hope this does end up being a film.  Aronofsky has quickly become one of our most essential filmmakers, and anything he gets excited about is good enough for us to take notice.

Nordling, out.

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