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Will Ursa appear in Snyder's Superman? Does that mean Zod is the baddie?

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with a little bit of superhero rumor-mongering for your Super Bowl weekend.

The good folks at Latino Review pressed their very good sources for info on the recent buzzing about the three actresses up for an undisclosed role in the Goyer/Nolan/Snyder Superman flick. The actresses were Diane Kruger, Alice Eve and Rosamund Pike, but the only thing we knew for sure was that they weren't up for Lois Lane.

LR says that these fine ladies are the top contenders for the role of Ursa. Yeah, that's right, Ursa, which probably means we're seeing a Zod flick.

One of my favorite things about the early Superman films was the dynamic between Zod, Ursa and Non (and, of course, the dude in the street from the first movie that comments on Superman's suit... "Say, Jim! That's a bad out-FIT! Whooo!").I'm not too well versed in the comic version of these characters (I was a Marvel kid), but I do know that the movie version and the comic version of Zod (and his group) is fairly different than the Donner movie version, so it's quite possible we'll see something a little more sci-fi actiony than another movie of Supes matching wits with Lex Luthor.

Congrats to LR for the scoop, but keep in mind this is all still shaky at the moment. If they got it right (and there's no reason to think they didn't... remember they broke the Goyer/Nolan connection a while back) the big news is what this means for the movie's story, not necessarily who will play Ursa... but if it were me the decision would be easy: Diane Kruger. Done.



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