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CAPTAIN AMERICA Is "A Helluva Lot Of Fun To Watch..." So Sayeth Joe Johnston!


Nordling here.
When it comes to films, on the page CAPTAIN AMERICA may seem to be a second tier superhero, but to people who have been reading the comics for years (Cap's been on the printed page since 1941) this movie's a pretty big deal.  Personally, I grew up on the character and I'm really excited to see this particular comic story done on screen.
However, my favorite Marvel Comics character is Daredevil, and when that movie hit the screen... well, let's just say I was less than impressed.  Okay, I freaking hated it.  Nothing wrong with Ben Affleck in the part, I guess, but the story was weak, the dialogue was terrible, the action scenes seemed to have forgotten the basic laws of physics, and although I have no problem with Michael Clarke Duncan playing Kingpin, the fact is the script handles him so poorly and like a common thug that when the final fight between Kingpin and Daredevil happens I no longer gave a damn about any of the characters.  The only character I gave a damn about was Bullseye, and he's hardly in the thing.  So, yeah, there's a history of Marvel characters getting screwed up in that translation from book to film.
But from everything I've been hearing about the story and the acting of the new CAPTAIN AMERICA film, I'm anticipating this new one a lot. And to hear Joe Johnston talk about it in his brief discussion with the L.A. Time's Hero Complex blog yesterday, he seems genuinely excited about the new film.  Seems he's watched a rough cut of his work and said, "There's just so much entertainment value - it's just flat-out fun to watch."  Granted, this is the director of the film talking about his own material, so take it with a grain of whatever you use to season your food, but he sounds genuinely excited about the film and his excitement is fairly contagious.  He also talks a bit about working with Chris Evans as Steve Rogers and how he was "blown away by the subtlety that (Chris Evans) brought to the role."
I'm not a negative guy by any means - I'm always an optimist when it comes to projects like this.  I hope for the best and never expect the worst until it's actually proved to me.  But from the pictures that have been coming out the past few days and the L.A. Times Hero Complex article and Johnston's own catalog of films - if you don't like THE ROCKETEER I kinda don't want to know you - I think we're in for quite a movie next summer.  Check out Hero Complex's brief interview with Johnston at the above link.
I'm pretty excited about this coming summer's superhero movie crop.  Don't even get me started on GREEN LANTERN, which I think is going to be better than everyone expects.  Same with THOR.
Nordling, out.
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