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In Space, Theron Can Hear You Scream??

Merrick here...

THIS report over at Vulture says that Charlize Theron may be opting out of Clint Eastwood's J. Edgar Hoover bio movie - making her available for casting in Ridley Scott's ALIEN Prequel. The studio is said to be re-writing the part they wanna cast her in to make it more suitable to either Theron,  or someone of her "stature."  

I'm 1,000% willing to admit I may  be woefully misinterpreting the intent of Vulture's piece, as I'm in extreme pain and passing a slowly and particularly bitchy kidney stone at the moment. the Vulture  article insinuating that Fox believes Ms. Theron will somehow bring the ALIEN prequel greater credibility/appeal with audiences?  No disrespect intended towards to Ms. Theron whatsoever (I really like much of her work, and think she's mighty hot) - but does she really carry that kind of cred with audiences?  Did that save the AEON FLUX movie?  Did people see HANCOCK because of her, or Will Smith?  Just sayin'.  

Maybe I misunderstood.  But if I'm reading that right, I don't quite get that thought prcess.  Nonetheless, and no matter why they might cast her, I do think it would be pretty cool to see her in an ALIEN movie  - so I guess it's a winning scenario no matter what should they actually manage to reel her in.  

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